Monday, 4 July 2011

New rocket new launcher

As family and work time has been manic recently i have not been doing much on my rockets, as i have started building a new rocket with boosters i have had to build a new launcher its still work in progress so it has had no pressure tests yet hopefully by the end of July we should have the new rocket in the sky.


  1. The new launcher is looking great Dan! Good luck with the pressure tests. It's hard to tell from the photo, what kind of air hose connection are you using on the copper tube? Will you be fitting a guide rail to the launcher?

  2. Thanks for the comment George ive got a 15mm brass connector with a 10mm male which connects to my flexi coil 10mm airhose il post up a picture so you can understand a bit better i will be using a guide rail a 2metre rail will suffice i think.

  3. Hey Dan

    The launcher is looking great i also hope the tests go well for you :)

    Regards Doug
